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Acta medica Lituanica

ISSN 1392-0138
ISSN 2029-4174 (online)

2008 m. Nr. 3

Quality of life throughout ageing
Helena FIGUEIRA, Joana FIGUEIRA, Danielli MELLO, Estélio DANTAS

Background. The older population increase demands changes in government’s assistance models (1). In Brazil, the Family Health Program (FHP) was implemented by the Federal Government. As increased age brings considerable change in needs (2) the World Health Organization Quality of Life Group developed a quality of life (QOL) scale for older adults (WHOQOL-OLD). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the quality of life of the FHP older people as ageing progresses.

Material and methods. This study is a descriptive inquiry research. The non-selected volunteer older people from Perequê-Mirim-I FHP in Brazil were stratified in age-brackets: youngaged (60–69), middle-aged (70–79), and old-aged (over 80). Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of sample homogeneity was utilized; and the one-way ANOVA, score Z plus Tukey’s Post Hoc tests were applied. The expected level II error was 10%, and the accepted level I error was 1%.

Results. Comparing the QOL by age-bracket statistics found the ageing progressive and statistically significant (p = 0.0001 < 0.01) interference in QOL. Conclusion: as ageing progresses the QOL decreases.

Conclusions. The main finding of this research is decreasing quality of life throughout ageing explained by losses in autonomy, future present and past activities plus social participation.

Keywords: ageing, quality of life (QOL), WHOQOL-OLD, older people


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