ISSN 1392-0146
ISSN 2029-0578 (online)
2006 m. Nr. 3
| Titulinis | | Redkolegija | Molecular Biology | EN/LT | Study of ssDNA immobilization and hybridization on
gold substrate with quartz crystal microbalance / J. Kupčiūnaitė,
A. Kaušaitė,
A. Ramanavičius,
A. Ramanavičienė | EN/LT | Expression and characterisation of rubella virus
capsid protein in yeast cells / Rasa Petraitytė,
Kęstutis Sasnauskas | EN/LT | In vivo and in vitro activities of the bacteriophage
T4 early promoters / Lidija Truncaitė,
Giedrė Stoškienė,
Laura Kalinienė,
Živilė Strazdaitė,
Rimas Nivinskas | EN/LT | RegB endoribonuclease is involved in the processing
of transcripts from mobD gene cluster of
bacteriophage T4 / Aurelija Zajančkauskaitė,
Eglė Gineikienė,
Giedrė Petkūnienė,
Rimas Nivinskas | Genetics | EN/LT | The use of ISSR method for the assessment of bee
genetic diversity / V. Paplauskienė,
V. Čeksterytė,
I. Pašakinskienė,
D. Tamašauskienė,
J. Račys | Biochemistry | EN/LT | Pseudomonas mendocina 3121-1 lipase-catalysed
reaction of oleic acid with glycerol / V. Bendikienė,
B. Juodka | EN/LT | Effects of the herbicide pendimethalin on
mitochondrial functions / A. Četkauskaitė,
A. Zimkus,
J. Borovik | EN/LT | Effect of calcium overload on key dehydrogenases in
heart mitochondria / Jurgita Grigienė,
Rasa Banienė,
Vida Mildažienė | EN/LT | The role of different fatty acids in the regulation
of mitochondrial respiration in situ / Lolita Kuršvietienė,
Sonata Trumbeckaitė,
Daiva Majienė,
Antanas Praškevičius,
Adolfas Toleikis | EN/LT | Stability, activity and substrate specificity of alcohol
dehydrogenases in media containing organic solvents / L. Marcinkevičienė, I. Bachmatova,
R. Meškys | EN/LT | Chemical oxidative synthesis of polypyrrole particles
and functionalization by proteins / Arūnas Ramanavičius,
Viktoras Mostovojus,
Asta Kaušaitė,
Ingrida Lapėnaitė,
Arnonas Finkelšteinas,
Almira Ramanavičienė | EN/LT | Hyperthermia modulates the effect of Ca2+ overload
on respiration and NAD(P)H fluorescence in rat
heart mitochondria / Rasa Žūkienė,
Arvydas Dapkūnas,
Paulius Čižas,
Odeta Buzaitė,
Zita Naučienė,
Rasa Banienė,
Ursula Zabarylo,
Olaf Minet,
Vida Mildažienė | Biophysics | EN/LT | Investigation of human heart tissue extracts by
spectroscopic methods / J. Venius,
D. Labeikytė,
E. Žurauskas,
V. Strazdaitė,
S. Bagdonas,
R. Rotomskis | Biotechnology | EN/LT | Availability and toxicity of pendimethalin
to aquatic microorganisms / Janina Bražėnaitė,
Ona Šakalienė | EN/LT | Initial analysis of highly competitive yeast strains
promising for ethanol industry / V. Melvydas,
G. Gedminienė,
I. Jarmalaitė,
B. Čapukoitienė,
L. Nemceva | EN/LT | Separation of recombinant porcine growth hormone
monomer from dimer and other oligomers in the
production process from E. coli inclusion bodies / Jolanta Sereikaitė,
Vladas Algirdas Bumelis | Microbiology | EN/LT | Mathematical modelling of biosystems exemplified
by investigation of microbial population growth / Rūta Ivanec,
Genovaitė Gedminienė,
Alfonsas Juška | EN/LT | Quinolone resistance among Salmonella enterica
and Escherichia coli in Lithuania / V. Šeputienė,
J. Povilonis,
M. Ružauskas,
M. Virgailis,
P. Žlabys,
E. Sužiedėlienė | Virology | EN/LT | Synthesis of the human respiratory syncytial virus
nucleoprotein in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae / M. Juozapaitis,
M. Coiras,
J. Staniulis,
K. Sasnauskas | Immunology | EN/LT | Generation of chimeric hamster polyomavirus VP1
virus-like particles harboring three
tumor-associated antigens / Eglė Aleksaitė,
Alma Gedvilaitė | Physiology | EN/LT | Estradiol protects female and male rat heart
mitochondria from ischemic damage / Odeta Arandarčikaitė,
Ramunė Morkūnienė,
Jurgita Barauskaitė,
Vilmantė Borutaitė | EN/LT | Influence of long-term cadmium and selenite
exposure on resistance to Listeria
monocytogenes during acute and chronic
infection in mice / Sandrita Šimonytė,
Rita Plančiūnienė,
Gennadij Cherkashin,
Gediminas Žekonis | EN/LT | Influence of 1,4-dihydropyridine derivatives on rat
paw edema, biosynthesis of glucocorticoid hormone
and its binding activity to glucocorticoid receptor / Aida Vaitkuvienė,
Evaldas Liutkevičius,
Genė Biziulevičienė,
Audronė Ulinskaitė,
Adas Darinskas,
Rolandas Meškys | Plant Physiology | EN/LT | Comparison of different IAA–ABP complexes formed
in kidney bean cell chloroplasts and mitochondria / R. Mockevičiūtė,
N. Anisimovienė,
A. Merkys | Cell Biology | EN/LT | Differential association of Nck family proteins with
PDGF receptor-β and Ras GTPase activating protein / V. Gurskienė,
M. Ger,
M. Valius | EN/LT | Studies of factors involved in the survival of
phorbol ester TPA-treated leukemic HL60 cells / A. Imbrasaitė,
A. V. Kalvelytė | EN/LT | ‘Chromosome painting’ by fluorescent in situ
hybridization (FISH) in hybrids and introgressions
of Lolium and Festuca species / Laisvė Lideikytė,
Izolda Pašakinskienė,
Liv Østrem | EN/LT | Influence of long-term cadmium ions exposure on
mitotic and apoptotic activities and protein synthesis
in mouse liver / Inga Stanevičienė,
Alina Smalinskienė2,
Vaiva Lesauskaitė,
Laima Ivanovienė,
Arūnas Liekis,
Ilona Sadauskienė,
Olegas Abdrachmanovas,
Leonid Ivanov | EN/LT | Regulation of c-Jun N-terminus kinase activity
by Daxx after hydrogen peroxide treatment / Virginijus Tunaitis,
Gerd G. Maul,
Mindaugas Valius | Bioinformatics | EN/LT | Identification and analysis of a novel serine
β-lactamase-like plant protein by a bioinformatic
approach / Julius Liobikas,
Danas Baniulis,
Vidmantas Stanys,
Adolfas Toleikis,
Ove Eriksson | EN | Instructions to Authors | LT | Turinys | EN | Contents |
2011 - Vol.57 No. 1, No. 2, No. 32010 - Vol.56 No. 1-42009 - Vol.55 No. 1-2, No. 3-42008 - Vol.54 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 42007 - Vol.53 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 42006 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 42005 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 42004 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 42003 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 42002 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 42001 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4 |