Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Leidybos skyrius
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Chemija / Chemistry

ISSN 0235-7216
ISSN 2424-4538 (online)

2009 m. Nr. 3

Analysis of the chemical composition of flower essential oils from Arnica montana of Lithuanian origin

The chemical composition of essential oils of Arnica montana L. was investigated by GC / MS. A. montana is a rare and protected plant, so herb material for analysis was obtained from plants cultivated from seeds of collected in natural habitats of Lithuania. Fiftysix compounds (two of them tentatively identified) comprised 70% of the total oil content. Most of the constituents were found in minor quantities (up to 1%), while two major compounds were geranyl linalool (14.7%) and an unknown compound (13.8%). Aliphatic hydrocarbons and their derivatives comprised 11.3%, while farnesene derivatives up to 9% of the total oil. Lithuanian arnica volatile oil composition differed from that of oils of the plants from other countries.

Keywords: Arnica montana L., Asteraceae, flowers, essential oil composition, GC / MS, geranyl linalool, farnesene derivatives


2017 - Vol.28
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2016 - Vol.27
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2015 - Vol.26
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2014 - Vol.25
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2013 - Vol.24
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2012 - Vol.23
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2011 - Vol.22
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2010 - Vol.21
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2009 - Vol.20
No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4

2008 - Vol.19
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2007 - Vol.18
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2006 - Vol.17
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2005 - Vol.16
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2004 - Vol.15
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2003 - Vol.14
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2002 - Vol.13
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2001 - Vol.12
No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4