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Chemija / Chemistry

ISSN 0235-7216
ISSN 2424-4538 (online)

2011 m. Nr. 2

Impedance of copper electrode in acid Cu(II) solutions containing gluconic acid

Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy was applied to study the processes taking place on the Cu electrode in 0.01 M Cu(II) solutions containing 0.04 M gluconic acid and 0.3 M K2SO4 (pH 3.0). The Nyquist plots obtained under open-circuit and cathodic polarization conditions present the arcs centred below the abscissa axis. The description code of the adequate equivalent circuit is RΩ (Cdl[R1W1] [R2W2]) (here, elements in series are written in angle brackets and parallel elements are given in parentheses). The settled exchange current densities obtained for the two-step charge transfer process (i01 = 4.8 μA cm–2 and i02 = 440 μA cm–2) are in good agreement with the quantities obtained earlier from voltammetric data.
The double-layer admittance was found to increase with the cathodic overvoltage approaching the values that are typical of additive-free Cu(II) solutions. Desorption of gluconate is supposed to occur at potentials adjacent to the plateau of the limiting current.

Keywords: copper, gluconic acid, impedance, equivalent circuit


2017 - Vol.28
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2015 - Vol.26
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2014 - Vol.25
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2013 - Vol.24
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2012 - Vol.23
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2011 - Vol.22
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2010 - Vol.21
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2009 - Vol.20
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2001 - Vol.12
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