Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Leidybos skyrius
    Tel. +370 5 2626851, +370 5 2613620 El. paštas

ISSN 0235-716X

2006 m. Nr. 2

Kauno mokytojų draugijos gimnazija ir Aleksandras Timinskis (1920–1940)

In the article, the establishment of Kaunas Teacher Society Grammar School and its work during Lithuania’s independence is discussed. The principal merit in its establishment and maintenance belongs to educationist Alexander Timinsky. Thanks to him and his congenial people at the beginning of the 3rd decade of the 20th century in Kaunas a grammar school, aimed first of all for the children speaking Russian, was established and started functioning in the temporary capital of Lithuania. The principal contingent of the students were of Russian nationality and children of Lithuanian deportees and refugees who started studies in Russia and on returning to Lithuania after World War I could not immediately start secondary education in their native language. The school, in spite of constant problems of the lack of premises and means, thanks to the team of teachers enthusiasts successfully existed till the end of the 4th decade. In the time of the first Soviet occupation when the Soviet educational system was being introduced, it was officially liquidated as a private grammar school.

2011 - T.57
Nr.1, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4

2010 - T.56

2009 - T.55
Nr.1-2, Nr.3-4

2008 - T.54
Nr.1, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4

2007 - T.53
Nr.1, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4

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