Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Leidybos skyrius
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Geografija / Geography

ISSN 1392-1096

2008 m. Nr. 1

Hydrographic changes of the Strėva Basin in the 20th century. Part 1. Water streams
Jevgenijus ŽIKULINAS

Žikulinas J. Hydrographic changes of the Strėva Basin in the 20th century. Part 1. Water streams. Geografija. 2008. T. 44. Nr. 1. ISSN 1392-1096.
Hydrographical changes of the Strėva catchment had been analysed since the end of the 19th century up to the 9th decade of the 20th century. The aim of this article is to show the anthropogenic impact on the hydrographical network of the Strėva catchment. The main objectives of this work were to determine changes of the catchment area, of the watercourse length of the water bodies’ areas, and of the watercourse sinuosity. The main research materials were topographical maps compiled at the end of the 19th century, early in the 20th century and at the end of the 20th century. The methods of geographic information systems (GIS) as well as ArcView 3.2a, ArcGis 9.1 software were applied. The main results of the research showed the anthropogenic impact on the hydrographical network of the Strėva catchment.

Keywords: rivers length, basin area, hydrographic river network


2011 - T.47
Nr.1, Nr.2

2010 - T.46

2009 - T.45
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2008 - T.44
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2007 - T.43
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2006 - T.42
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2005 - T.41
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2004 - T.40
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2003 - T.39
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2002 - T.38
Nr.1, Nr.2

2001 - T.37
Nr.1, Nr.2