Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Leidybos skyrius
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Geografija / Geography

ISSN 1392-1096

2008 m. Nr. 2

Lietuvos kraštovaizdžio pokyčiai XX a. antrojoje pusėje
Daumantas BAUŽA, Ieva BAUŽIENĖ

Bauža D., Baužienė I. Evaluation of landscape changes in Lithuania in the second half of the 20th century. Geografija. 2008. T. 44. Nr. 2. ISSN 1392-1096
Transformation of Lithuanian landscape cover structure in 1957–2000 (scale 1 : 50,000). The purpose of this work was to find land cover dynamics peculiarities in different natural landscapes. The reference site method was used. Landscape cover elements were chosen depending on the scaling possibilities: farmlands and meadows, forests, settlements, roads (main and small), streams, lakes and ponds, swamps (in forests and in open areas), sea, beach.

Raktažodžiai: landscape cover, transformation dynamics, structure


2011 - T.47
Nr.1, Nr.2

2010 - T.46

2009 - T.45
Nr.1, Nr.2

2008 - T.44
Nr.1, Nr.2

2007 - T.43
Nr.1, Nr.2

2006 - T.42
Nr.1, Nr.2

2005 - T.41
Nr.1, Nr.2

2004 - T.40
Nr.1, Nr.2

2003 - T.39
Nr.1, Nr.2

2002 - T.38
Nr.1, Nr.2

2001 - T.37
Nr.1, Nr.2