Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Leidybos skyrius
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Geografija / Geography

ISSN 1392-1096

2008 m. Nr. 2

Lietuvos kaimo gyventojų teritorinės sklaidos kaita XX a. (1897–2007 m.)

Stanaitis A., Stanaitis S. Territorial distribution dynamics of rural population in Lithuania in the 20th century (1897–2007). Geografija. 2008. V. 46(2). ISSN 1392-1096.
The paper presents a survey of the dynamics of the regional distribution of Lithuanian rural population in the 20th century. The survey is based on the data of population censuses and current statistics. The territorial distribution of rural population in different years of the 20th century and its regional differences are discussed. The reasons for different dynamic patterns of the distribution are indicated. The dynamics of the number and density of rural population in the nearest future is predicted.

Raktažodžiai: rural population, territorial distribution, regional differences, population number and density


2011 - T.47
Nr.1, Nr.2

2010 - T.46

2009 - T.45
Nr.1, Nr.2

2008 - T.44
Nr.1, Nr.2

2007 - T.43
Nr.1, Nr.2

2006 - T.42
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2005 - T.41
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2004 - T.40
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2003 - T.39
Nr.1, Nr.2

2002 - T.38
Nr.1, Nr.2

2001 - T.37
Nr.1, Nr.2