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Filosofija. Sociologija / Philosophy. Sociology

ISSN 0235-7186
ISSN 2424-4546 (online)

2008 m. Nr. 1

Why do we have to be tolerant? Tolerance in the light of modern political philosophy
Halina RAROT

Author explains why empiric and philosophical knowledge is so ineffective in this case, why it does not make us more tolerant when a significant part of people in western civilization are convinced that tolerance in the world of globalization, in the world of moving people and their cultures is a social necessity. She asserts that in modern political philosophy, it is not possible to reach a consensus on the matter of tolerance. This consensus could be helpful in conforming to necessity and in calculating tolerant behaviour. The impossibility to co-ordinate the positions clearly shows that these positions are only partial, almost ethnic truths. Theoretical nihilism leads to practical nihilism. The only way out from that crisis is to try to overcome theoretical nihilism.

Keywords: tolerance, consensus, modern political philosophy


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