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Filosofija. Sociologija / Philosophy. Sociology

ISSN 0235-7186
ISSN 2424-4546 (online)

2015 m. Nr. 2

„Daugiau ar mažiau kūno“: socialinis kūno normatyvumo suvokimas Lenkijoje
Anna M. KŁONKOWSKA, Agnieszka MAJ

The article presents results of a study aimed at exploring social concepts associated with bodily ‘normativity’ and ‘passability’: the notion of normative body weight and attitude towards over- and underweight individuals. We were particularly interested in the common concepts and notions associated with normative body weight as well as possible reasons for rejection of people whose bodies do not fall within the socially shared knowledge of what the ‘right’ body is. The article presents results of a qualitative, interview-based research study conducted with the use of visual materials.

Keywords: body, normativity, to pass, overweight, underweight, obesity, thinness


2017 - T.28
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2011 - T.22
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2010 - T.21
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2009 - T.20
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2008 - T.19
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2007 - T.18
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