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Filosofija. Sociologija / Philosophy. Sociology

ISSN 0235-7186
ISSN 2424-4546 (online)

2015 m. Nr. 3

Accepting our best scientific theories
Seungbae PARK

Dawes (2013) claims that we ought not to believe but to accept our best scientific theories. To accept them means to employ them as premises in our reasoning with the goal of attaining knowledge about unobservables. I reply that if we do not believe our best scientific theories, we cannot gain knowledge about unobservables, our opponents might dismiss the predictions derived from them, and we cannot use them to explain phenomena. We commit an unethical speech act when we explain a phenomenon in terms of a theory we do not believe.

Keywords: acceptance, belief, explanation, inference to the best explanation, prediction


2017 - T.28
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