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Filosofija. Sociologija / Philosophy. Sociology

ISSN 0235-7186
ISSN 2424-4546 (online)

2017 m. Nr. 2

Towards Rediscovery of Social Class after the Post-Communist Transition: A Comparative Neo-Weberian Analysis of Baltic States

Class effects in Estonia, Finland, Latvia and Lithuania are compared in the framework of the Neo-Weberian social class theory (EGP class schema), using European Social Survey (ESS) Round 4 (2008–2010) data, just at the time when Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania completed their transition to market economy and liberal democracy. Finland, perceived in the post-communist Baltic countries as a model or a “real utopia” state, is used as benchmark for a comparative estimation of the strength of class effects. The main findings of the statistical correspondence analysis are the following: (1) Class inequality of life chances is more pronounced in the post-communist Baltics than in Finland; (2) Paradoxically, class effects on ideological orientations and party voting are more prominent in Finland, where class inequality is less pronounced.

Keywords: Neo-Weberian class theory, EGP class schema, life chances, class inequality, class voting, correspondence analysis


2017 - T.28
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2016 - T.27
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2015 - T.26
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2014 - T.25
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2013 - T.24
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2012 - T.23
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2011 - T.22
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2010 - T.21
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2009 - T.20
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2008 - T.19
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2007 - T.18
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