ISSN 1392-110X
ISSN 2029-056X (online)
2006 m. Nr. 2
| Titulinis | | Redkolegija | Geochemistry | EN/LT/RU | Influence of atmospheric transportation of heavy metals on their values in depositional environments of West Lithuania / Alfredas RADZEVIČIUS, Valentinas KADŪNAS | Mineral Resources | EN/LT/RU | Variations of reservoir properties of Middle
Cambrian rocks in Gargždai Elevations Zone of
West Lithuania / Onytė ZDANAVIČIŪTĖ, Lidija LAŠKOVA, Albertas MONKEVIČIUS | Tectonics | EN/LT/RU | Design basis earthquake of the Ignalina Nuclear
Power Plant / SSaulius ŠLIAUPA, Rimantas KAČIANAUSKAS, Darius MARKAUSKAS, Gintautas DUNDULIS, Eugenijus UŠPURAS | Stratigraphy | EN/LT/RU | Malacofauna and seed flora of Butėnai Interglacial
in deposits of the Neravai outcrop, South Lithuania / Aleksandr SANKO, Algirdas GAIGALAS, Feliks VELICHKEVICH, Monika MELEŠYTĖ | EN/LT/RU | Late Glacial and Holocene stratigraphy of Lithuania
based on pollen and diatom data / Meilutė KABAILIENĖ | Sedimentology | EN/LT/RU | Component-based and radioisotope signature of
lacustrine sediments in Eastern Lithuania / Jonas MAŽEIKA, Arūnas GUDELIS | EN/LT/RU | Sedimentology of clastic intertill deposits studied in
Dovainonys and Rokai outcrops, Central Lithuania / Petras ŠINKŪNAS, Jurgita PAŠKAUSKAITĖ, Algirdas JURGAITIS | Palaeozoology | EN/LT/RU | Discoveries: evolution of the earliest Palaeozoic
vertebrates / Algimantas GRIGELIS, Susan TURNER | Chronicle | LT | Geocheminiams atlasams – 2005 m. Lietuvos mokslo
premija |
| LT | Nurodymai straipsnių autoriams | EN | Instructions to authors | RU | Turinys | EN/LT | CONTENTS/TURINYS |
2011 - Vol.53 No. 1, No. 2, No. 32010 - Vol.52 No. 1-42009 - Vol.51 No. 1-2, No. 3-42008 - Vol.50 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. Priedas2007 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 42006 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 42005 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 42004 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 42003 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 42002 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 42001 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4 |