ISSN 0235-7224
ISSN 2029-0586 (online)
2007 m. Nr. 1
| Titulinis | | Redkolegija | EN/LT | Climate-induced alterations in the Lithuanian migratory
avifauna: regional and species-specific aspects / Mečislovas ŽALAKEVIČIUS | EN/LT | Influence of environmental pollution on the status of
patients with endocrine ophthalmopathy in Kaunas / Jūratė JANKAUSKIENĖ, Daiva IMBRASIENĖ, Daiva STANISLOVAITIENĖ, Dalia JARUŠAITIENĖ, Renata NARKEVIČIŪTĖ | EN/LT | Influence of the thermal mode on seasonal
phenological phenomena in Lithuania / Danuta ROMANOVSKAJA, Eugenija BAKŠIENĖ | EN/LT | Relationships between soil organic matter content
and soil erosion severity in Albeluvisols of the
Žemaičiai Uplands / Benediktas JANKAUSKAS, Genovaitė JANKAUSKIENĖ, Michael A. FULLEN | EN/LT | Transport of heavy metals from soil to Pinus
sylvestris L. and Betula pendula trees / Donatas BUTKUS, Edita BALTRĖNAITĖ | EN/LT | Ground beetle (Coleoptera, Carabidae) bioecology in
forests of Aukštasis Tyras Mire reserve / Algimantas ŽIOGAS, Stasys VAIČIKAUSKAS | EN/LT | The content of mineral elements in some grasses
and legumes / Stasys JUKNEVIČIUS, Nomeda SABIENĖ | EN/LT | Zoobenthic communities of the near-shore zone of
the Baltic Sea (Nida–Juodkrantė water area) / Algis BUBINAS, Gintautas VAITONIS | EN/LT | Rabies occurrence in red fox and raccoon dog
population in Lithuania / Dainius ZIENIUS, Vilimas SEREIKA, Raimundas LELEŠIUS | EN/LT | Effects of 137Cs and 90Sr on the plant Lepidium
sativum L. growth peculiarities / Danutė MARČIULIONIENĖ, Benedikta LUKŠIENĖ, Dalius KIPONAS, Gemir MAKSIMOV, Jūratė DARGINAVIČIENĖ, Virginija GAVELIENĖ | EN/LT | Wild hoofed animal movement in winter season and
possibilities of reducing their mortality in highway
environments of Lithuania / Raimondas Leopoldas IDZELIS, Pranas BALTRĖNAS, Agnė KAZLAUSKIENĖ | EN/LT | Effect of nitrogen on phosphate reduction in biological
phosphorus removal from wastewater / Giedrė VABOLIENĖ, Algimantas B. MATUZEVIČIUS, Marina VALENTUKEVIČIENĖ | EN/LT | Sustainable cropping system for the solution
environment protection problems / Stanislava MAIKŠTĖNIENĖ, Aušra ARLAUSKIENĖ | EN/LT | Remediation of landfill soils with sewage sludge.
2. Microarthropod communities in the soil formation
process / Irena EITMINAVIČIŪTĖ, Audronė MATUSEVIČIŪTĖ, Rita ZAKSAITĖ, Dalia JANELIAUSKIENĖ, Milda RADŽIŪTĖ | Chronicle | LT | Kronika * Chronicle / Naujas mokslo istorijos leidinys
| EN | Instructions to Authors | LT | Nurodymai straipsnių autoriams | LT/EN | TURINYS * CONTENTS |
2011 - Vol.57 No. 1, No. 22010 - Vol.56 No. 1-2, No. 3-42009 - Vol.55 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3-42008 - Vol.54 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 42007 - Vol.53 No. 1, No. 2, No. 2.priedas, No. 3, No. 42006 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 42005 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 42004 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 42003 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 42002 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 42001 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4 |