ISSN 0235-7224
ISSN 2029-0586 (online)
2009 m. Nr. 3-4
EN/LT | Titulinis * Redkolegija | General Ecology | EN/LT | Vacant niches in nature, ecology, and evolutionary theory: a mini-review / Edmundas LEKEVIČIUS | Organism and Environment | EN/LT | Eff ect of Ni2+ on phenoloxidase activity of micromycetes / Vita RAUDONIENĖ, Regina VARNAITĖ | Landscape Ecology | EN/LT | Nest-site use by Black Stork and Lesser Spotted Eagle
in relation to fragmented forest cover: case study from
Lithuania / Rimgaudas TREINYS, Saulis SKUJA, Danas AUGUTIS, Darius STONČIUS | Ecology of Terrestrial Systems | EN/LT | Effects of artificial soil drought on Scots pine fruiting,
seed vitality, and pollen germination / Remigijus OZOLINČIUS, Vidas STAKĖNAS, Brigita SERAFINAVIČIŪTĖ, Rasa BUOŽYTĖ | EN/LT | Distribution of sand hoppers (Talitrus saltator, Montagu,
1808) on the beach of the Lithuanian Baltic Sea / Rita JANKAUSKIENĖ, Aurelija SAFONOVIENĖ | Water System Ecology | EN/LT | Impact of environmental conditions on smelt catch
fluctuations in the Nemunas River and the Curonian
Lagoon / Arvydas ŠVAGŽDYS | Ecology of Parasites | EN/LT | Sitodiplosis mosellana – a new winter wheat pest in
Lithuania / Žilvinas LIATUKAS, Vytautas RUZGAS, Remigijus ŠMATAS | EN/LT | Influence of substrate on biological removal of phosphorus / Regimantas DAUKNYS, Giedrė VABOLIENĖ, Marina VALENTUKEVIČIENĖ, Mindaugas RIMEIKA | Anthropogenic Impact on Ecosystems | EN/LT | Home allergies among 5th–9th grade schoolchildren in
Vilnius, Lithuania / Genė ŠURKIENĖ, Rūta DUBAKIENĖ, Rimantas STUKAS, Vilija SUDEIKYTĖ, Nijolė JANULEVIČIŪTĖ | EN/LT | Tetrad-forming-organism-dependent deterioration of
enhanced biological phosphorus removal in a full-scale
wastewater treatment plant / Giedrė VABOLIENĖ, Janina BRAŽĖNAITĖ | Chronicle | EN/LT | Pro memoria. Professor Juozas Virbickas (1939–2006) |
| EN | Instructions to authors | EN/LT | Contents of the journal EKOLOGIJA, Vol. 55 (2009) | EN/LT | Contents * Turinys |
2011 - Vol.57 No. 1, No. 22010 - Vol.56 No. 1-2, No. 3-42009 - Vol.55 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3-42008 - Vol.54 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 42007 - Vol.53 No. 1, No. 2, No. 2.priedas, No. 3, No. 42006 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 42005 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 42004 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 42003 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 42002 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 42001 No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4 |