Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Leidybos skyrius
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Geologija / Geology

ISSN 1392-110X
ISSN 2029-056X (online)

2007 m. Nr. 2

Geological structure of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant area

Geological-hydrogeological and engineering geological mapping at a scale of 1 : 50 000, seismic, gravity, morphometry, aeromagnetic, morphostructural analysis and the interpretation of satellite image carried out in the period 1988–1995 have given a more accurate picture of the tectonic structure of the Ignalina NPP area. The geological column in this area consists of the Lower Proterozoic crystalline basement, Baikalian (Vendian, Lower Cambrian), Caledonian (Lower-Middle Cambrian, Ordovician, Lower Silurian) and Hercynian (Middle and Upper Devonian) structural complexes covered by Quarternary deposits. The surface geometry of the crystalline basement of the North Zarasai bench, the Anisimoviči graben, the Drūkšiai graben and the East Drūkšiai and South Drūkšiai uplifts was established. All tectonic structures (blocks) are cut by faults of submeridional, subparallel, SW and SE directions. Most of them are neotectonically active. Data on vertical movements of the Earth’s surface aquired in 1988–1994 suggest that the relative amplitude of movements reaches 2–3 mm per year. The rate of horizontal movements of differett tectonic blocks, measured in ten GPS sites in September 1998 and September 1999, changes from 0–3 to 11–14 mm per year. The complicated tectonical presence, neotectonically active faults and occurrence of earthquakes show that the structural stability of the Ignalina NPP cannot be guaranteed.

Keywords: Ignalina NPP, tectonic structure of basement, faults, geological map, neotectonic, palaeoincisions


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