Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Leidybos skyrius
    Tel. +370 5 2626851, +370 5 2613620 El. paštas
Žemės ūkio mokslai / Agricultural Sciences

ISSN 1392-0200

2004 m. Nr. 1

Poaceae šeimos varpinių augalų virusinės ligos

Plants of common cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.), tufted hairgrass (Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) P. Beauv.), meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.), perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), Festulolium loliaceum (Huds.) P. Fourn. (Festuca pratensis L. × Lolium perenne L.) showing symptoms of mosaic spotting, chlorotic and necrotic streaks on leaves and stems were detected at the Plant Breeding Centre of Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture and also at the Vilnius station for investigation of plant cultivars. Virus isolates were investigated by the methods of test-plants, electron microscopy and DAS-ELISA. According to the results of symptomatology on host- and test-plants, girion morphology, transmission of viral infection by mechanical inoculation and aphides, and DAS-ELISA, for the first time in Lithuania the following viruses were identified: Cocksfoot streak potyvirus, Festuca necrosis closterovirus and Ryegrass mosaic rymovirus.

Raktažodžiai: Poaceae family, virus identification, virus diseases, Closterovirus, Potyvirus


2012 - T.19

2011 - T.18
Nr.1, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4

2010 - T.17
Nr.1-2, Nr.3-4

2009 - T.16
Nr.1-2, Nr.3-4

2008 - T.15
Nr.1, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4

2007 - T.14
Nr.1, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4, Nr.Priedas

Nr.1, Nr.1.Priedas, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4

Nr.1, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4

Nr.1, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4

Nr.1, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4

Nr.1, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4

Nr.1, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4