Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Leidybos skyrius
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Žemės ūkio mokslai / Agricultural Sciences

ISSN 1392-0200

2007 m. Nr. Priedas

The impact of the CAP on the development of rural entrepreneurship in Poland
Paweł Chmieliński

The evolution of rural entrepreneurship is intrinsic to multifunctional rural development, a way for the Polish countryside to become a more attractive place to live and work. The study is primarily aimed at outlining the framework of analysis for policy aspects of entrepreneurship development and identifying factors affecting rural entrepreneurship, particularly after Poland’s accession to the European Union. Findings from the survey carried out by Institute of Agricultural Economics and Food Economics allowed analysing the main trends of non-agricultural activities in rural areas. The key role in supporting rural entrepreneurship belongs to local governments and their activities in the field of infrastructural investment as well as efforts to support rural communities through training courses and advisory services concerning the bureaucratic requirements for starting and running a business, the possibility to raise the necessary start up and development capital.

Keywords: entrepreneurship, rural development, infrastructure, common agricultural policy, Poland


2012 - T.19

2011 - T.18
Nr.1, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4

2010 - T.17
Nr.1-2, Nr.3-4

2009 - T.16
Nr.1-2, Nr.3-4

2008 - T.15
Nr.1, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4

2007 - T.14
Nr.1, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4, Nr.Priedas

Nr.1, Nr.1.Priedas, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4

Nr.1, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4

Nr.1, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4

Nr.1, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4

Nr.1, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4

Nr.1, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4