Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Leidybos skyrius
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Žemės ūkio mokslai / Agricultural Sciences

ISSN 1392-0200

2008 m. Nr. 3

Causes and consequences of the vertical migration of fine soil fractions
Jonas MAŽVILA, Mečislovas VAIČYS, Ričardas BENIUŠIS

Generalized data on the granulometric composition of 564 soil samples taken from different soil layers have shown that the smaller soil particles the faster under the same conditions they are leached by precipitation into deeper soil horizons. Our research has shown that Luvisols are formed in friable rocks in which from the upper layers carbonates and Ca ions have been leached out and the environment becomes less acid. A gradual shift from El horizons to Bt is characteristic of Luvisols, while in case of Albeluvisols and Podzols this process is most distinct. In sandy Luvisols, thin curvy or straight so-called pseudofibri are formed in which fractions of clay and silt, iron compounds and orientated clays accumulate. In calcaric Cambisols and in carbonate-horizons of other soils dispersion fractions coagulate and hardly migrate within the boundaries of a profile.

Studies of the vertical migration of fractions of granulometric texture and a comparison of data from elluvic, illuvic and carbonate-rich horizons have shown that transportation of clay fractions from elluvic to illuvic and carbonate-rich horizons is the most vivid in sandy loam soils and not so vivid in loamy sand. In sands, sandy clay loam, sandy clay and clay soils, the leaching of the fine-dispersion fraction is weak.

Keywords: soils, texture, soil horizons, fine dispersion fraction, vertical migration


2012 - T.19

2011 - T.18
Nr.1, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4

2010 - T.17
Nr.1-2, Nr.3-4

2009 - T.16
Nr.1-2, Nr.3-4

2008 - T.15
Nr.1, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4

2007 - T.14
Nr.1, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4, Nr.Priedas

Nr.1, Nr.1.Priedas, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4

Nr.1, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4

Nr.1, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4

Nr.1, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4

Nr.1, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4

Nr.1, Nr.2, Nr.3, Nr.4